Science and Technology Studies 
社會科學院  社會學研究所  
325 M7680 

這是針對碩博士班學生所設計的科技與社會研究(Science, Technology and Society,簡稱STS)導論課。這門課介紹STS的多重分析取徑,包括科學知識社會學、行動者網絡理論、科技的社會形塑、技術物與基礎建設的政治性、公民科學、女性主義科技研究、後殖民科技研究等等。涉及的科技現象也力圖多樣,幅度從法國的電動車研發、五四的賽先生,到巴拿馬運河流域。這門課力求掌握當今STS的基本輪廓,並透過經典著作的選讀,強化理論與現象的扣合。也倚重東亞與台灣的現象與觀點,並期待修課同學能開發自己關切的研究議題,以及可能的行動與改革方案。 

這堂課強調每一位同學的積極參與、彼此學習,因為教室裡的每一個人都是知識的主體。每位同學都可能有自己關注的課題,獨有的生命經驗,或是已有累積的專門知識,希望透過STS能夠讓感官更開,並逐步長出自己的作品。教學法上,強調bell hooks所說的”education as the practice of freedom” (教育作為自由的實踐)。僅以以下bell hooks的在”Teaching to Transgress”一書中的結語,期勉這門課:
The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, and openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom.

基於Sherry Turkle於《重新與人對話》提出的理念,這門課希望大家上課時間以現場的思考、對話討論為主,而盡量不要透過筆電、手機一心多用地切換到線上社會。研究所的課堂,很難能禁用筆電或是其他的閱讀器,遠距教學也仰賴科技的威力,但我希望大家發展出恰當使用電腦與網路的方式。更鼓勵大家在這三個小時的共聚共學,經歷同儕互望的時刻。歡迎大家多研發實驗人機最適的賽伯格模樣。
一、 每週閱讀心得(50%)
到NTU COOL網站上,以利老師的事前閱讀,以及課堂上的討論。由於上課著重於討論,因此旁聽生也要能繳交心得,才能旁聽。
PPT的方式進行口頭報告。旁聽生不用進行期末報告,但希望可以提供交流意見。PPT請於5/31上課前上傳。紙本報告請於6/14 17:00以前上傳。台灣STS學會將於9月2-3日在台北空總舉行,希望大家可以順勢以期末報告與會。
Office Hours
每週五 14:00~16:00 
每週教學進度與閱讀書目 (*為進階閱讀,博士生必讀)
W1. (2/22) 課程介紹

W2 (3/1) 科學社群與制度規範
Merton, Robert. 1973. “The Normative Structure of Science.” Pp. 267-278 in The Sociology
of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, edited by Norman Storer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hee-Je Bak. 2014. “The Utilitarian View of Science and the Norms and Practices of
Korean Scientists” Pp. 406-413 in Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society. edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman and Kelly Moore. New York: Routledge.

請先閱讀Robert Merton這篇經典論著,掌握他提出的科學社群規範,也請設想這四個原則在你所熟悉的科學活動,是否仍然運作,有哪些你所知道的現象可以當作證據。然後請閱讀Hee-Je Bak的韓國科學家研究,了解他認為發展型國家的脈絡,如何呼應、修正、增補或挑戰Merton的主張。最後請閱讀雷祥麟針對杜聰明的研究,請設想這篇論文與Robert Merton主張的差異,也請提出Bah Hee-Je與雷祥麟的分析角度,有哪些是Robert Merton所未能涉及的。

W3 (3/8) 創新研發與政治經濟(當日上課時間為16:00—18:30)
Etzkowitz, Henry and Loet Leydesdorff. 2000. “The Dynamics of Innovation: from National
Systems and ‘Model 2’ to a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations.” Research Policy 29: 109-123.
*Moore, Kelly, Daniel Lee Kleinman, David Hess and Scott Frickel. 2011. Science and
Neoliberal Globalization: a Political Sociological Approach. Theory and Society 40: 505-532.
Sismondo, Sergio. 2022[2018]. 《醫藥幽靈:大藥廠如何干預醫療知識的生產、傳播與消
費》(Ghost-Managed Medicine: Big Pharma’s Invisible Hand)。新竹:陽明交大出版社。閱讀第一章「藥物行銷的知識與權利」(頁49-100)

請掌握Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff對於國家系統、模型二,以及產官學三螺旋的說法,以了解研發創新的制度環境,已有哪些研究成果。如果行有餘力,請了解Kelly Moore等人提出的政治經濟學與全球化觀點。請以Sismondo的醫藥幽靈為經驗現象,理解他所謂的幽靈主導的醫療,指的是什麼,與產官學三螺旋的討論有何異同。如果你有你關切的科技研發,可嘗試以這兩週的文獻,來說明這些文獻提醒你關注這些研發活動,有哪些收穫,例如,對你關切的現象,有什麼新的理解,或是可以提出哪些新的研究問題。

W4 (3/15) 階層化的科技工作
Hecht, Gabrielle. 2014. “Invisible Production and the Production of Invisibility: Cleaning,
Maintenance, and Mining in the Nuclear Sector.” Pp. 353-368 in Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society. edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman and Kelly Moore. New York: Routledge.
Mellstrom, Ulf. 2009. “The Intersection of Gender, Race and Cultural Boundaries, or Why is
Computer Science in Malaysia Dominated by Women?” Social Studies of Science
*Ureta, Sebastian. 2021. Ruination Science: Producing Knowledge from a Toxic World.
Science, Technology and Human Values 46(1):29-52.

如果我們關注能見度比較低的科學與技術工作者,對於科技會有什麼樣的新理解。請先閱讀Gabrielle Hecht的作品,透過關注核能領域清掃、維護、開採鈾礦等活動,對於高科技系統的運作,能增加哪些新的理解?有關科技領域的性別與種族隔離,Ulf Mellstrom以馬來西亞資工女性比例較高的「異例」,提出哪一種科技工作階層化的分析策略?你有沒有關注哪些科技工作的現象,像是台灣護國神山晶片廠的過勞體制、ChatGPT的數據標註員,光華商場的電腦維修人員,或是協助科學家採集作物的原住民?請提出本單元對你關注現象產生哪些新的理解。如果行有餘力,也請閱讀以智利一間環境化學實驗室為田野地點的研究,探討南方困窘的科學工作如何進行。

Kuhn, Thomas. 2021[1962]. 《科學革命的結構》(程樹德、傅大為、王道還、錢永祥譯)。
*Gieryn, Thomas F. 1983. Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from
Non-Science: Strains and Interests in Professional Ideologies of Scientists. American Sociological Review 48: 781-794.
Rajagopalan, Ramya M. Alondra Nelson, and Joan H. Fujimura. 2016.“Race and Science in
the Twenty-First Century.” Pp. 349-378 in The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition), edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouche, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Almeling, Rene. 2022[2020]. 《父產科》(Gunecology: The Missing Science of Men’s
Reproductive Science)(鍾玉玨譯)。台北:時報。閱讀「緒論」(頁11-38)。

W6 (3/29) 行動者網絡
Callon, Michel. 1987. “Society in the Making: The Study of Technology as a Tool for
Sociological Analysis.” Pp. 83-103 in The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology of History of Technology, edited by Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes, and Trevor J. Pinch. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press.
Molotch, Harvey. 2018[2005]. 《東西的誕生》(李屹譯)。新北市:群學。閱讀第一章
Latour, Bruno. 2004. 「直線進步或交引纏繞」(雷祥麟譯,雷祥麟導讀)。頁79-105
*Puig de la Bellacasa, Maria. 2015. “Making Time for Soil: Technoscientific Futurity and the
Pace of Care.” Social Studies of Science 45(5): 691-761.

W7 (4/5) 清明節放假—4/8台大校園馬拉松

Jasanoff, Sheila. 2015. “Future Imperfect: Science, Technology and Imagination of
Modernity.” Pp. 1-33 in Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power, edited by Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Hsu, Jinn-Yuh. 2018. Hsinchu Technopolis: A Sociotechnical Imaginary of Modernity in
Taiwan? Critical Sociology 44(3): 487-501.
*Adams, Vincanne, Michelle Murphy, and Adele E. Clarke. 2009. “Anticipation:
Technoscience, Life, Affect, and Temporality.” Subjectivity 28: 246–65.

W9 提前至4/17(一)18:30—21:30 解析賽先生
本週與陽明交通大學雷祥麟老師「科技全球史與現代東亞導論」課程同學共同進行,作者之一Sigrid Schmalzer將線上參與。
Seow, Victor and Sean Hisang-lin Lei. 2022. “Who Is Mr. Science and Why Does He
Matter?” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 269-278.
Schmalzer, Sigrid. 2022. “The Global Comrades of Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science: Placing
May Fourth in a Transnational History of Science Activism.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 305-326.
Lei, Hsian-lin Sean. 2022. “The Dawn of Science as Cultural Authority in China: Tianyanlun
(On Heavenly Evolution) in the Post 1895 Debate over the Engagement with Western Civilization. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 408-432.

W10 (4/26) 技術物的政治性
Edge, David. 1995. “The Social Shaping of Technology.” Pp. 14-32 in Information
Technology and Society: A Reader, edited by Nick Heap et al. London: Sage.
Winner, Langdon. 1986/2004. 「技術物有政治性嗎?」(方俊育、林崇熙譯,林崇熙校
*Postigo, Hector and Casey O’Donnell. 2016. “The Sociotechnical Architecture of
Information Networks.” Pp. 583-608 in The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition), edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouche, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr. Cambridge: MIT Press.

W11 (5/3) 基礎建設
Star, Susan Leigh. 1999. “The Ethnography of Infrastructure.” American Behavioral Scientist
Carse, Ashley. 2012. “Nature as Infrastructure: Making and Managing the Panama Canal
Watershed.” Social Studies of Science 42 (4): 539-63.
*Fuenfschilling, Lea and Bernhard Truffer. 2016. “The Interplay of Institutions, Actors and
Technologies in Socio-Technical System – An Analysis of Transformations in the Australian Urban Water Section.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 103: 298-312.

W12 (5/10) 科技爭議與災難
Martin, Brian and Evelleen Richards. 1995. Scientific Knowledge, Controversy, and Public
Decision Making. Pp. 506-526 in Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, edited by Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen and Trevor Pinch. London: Sage Publication.
*Lei, Ya-Wen. 2021. “Publics, Scientists, and the State: Mapping the Global Human Genome
Editing Controversy.” The China Quarterly 246: 400-427.
Fortun, Kim, Scott Gabriel Knowles, Vivian Choi, Paul Jobin, Miwao Matusmoto, Pedro de
la Torre Ill, Max Liboiron, and Luis Felope R. Murillo. 2016. “Researching Disaster from an STS Perspective.” Pp.1003-1028 in The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition), edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouche, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr. Cambridge: MIT Press.

W13 (5/17) 責任創新&公民科學
Stilgoe, Jack, Richard Owen, and Phil Macnaghten. 2013. “Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation.” Research Policy 42: 1568–80.
實踐》9(1): 1-32。

W14 5/24 準備期末報告
W15 5/31 期末報告. W16 6/7 期末報告
2/22  W1. (2/22) 課程介紹
3/01  W2 (3/1) 科學社群與制度規範
Merton, Robert. 1973. “The Normative Structure of Science.” Pp. 267-278 in The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, edited by Norman Storer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Hee-Je Bak. 2014. “The Utilitarian View of Science and the Norms and Practices of Korean Scientists” Pp. 406-413 in Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society. edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman and Kelly Moore. New York: Routledge.


請先閱讀Robert Merton這篇經典論著,掌握他提出的科學社群規範,也請設想這四個原則在你所熟悉的科學活動,是否仍然運作,有哪些你所知道的現象可以當作證據。然後請閱讀Hee-Je Bak的韓國科學家研究,了解他認為發展型國家的脈絡,如何呼應、修正、增補或挑戰Merton的主張。最後請閱讀雷祥麟針對杜聰明的研究,請設想這篇論文與Robert Merton主張的差異,也請提出Bah Hee-Je與雷祥麟的分析角度,有哪些是Robert Merton所未能涉及的。
3/08  W3 (3/8) 創新研發與政治經濟(當日上課時間為16:00—18:30)
Etzkowitz, Henry and Loet Leydesdorff. 2000. “The Dynamics of Innovation: from National Systems and ‘Model 2’ to a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations.” Research Policy 29: 109-123.

*Moore, Kelly, Daniel Lee Kleinman, David Hess and Scott Frickel. 2011. Science and Neoliberal Globalization: a Political Sociological Approach. Theory and Society 40: 505-532.

Sismondo, Sergio. 2022[2018]. 《醫藥幽靈:大藥廠如何干預醫療知識的生產、傳播與消費》(Ghost-Managed Medicine: Big Pharma’s Invisible Hand)。新竹:陽明交大出版社。閱讀第一章「藥物行銷的知識與權利」(頁49-100)

請掌握Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff對於國家系統、模型二,以及產官學三螺旋的說法,以了解研發創新的制度環境,已有哪些研究成果。如果行有餘力,請了解Kelly Moore等人提出的政治經濟學與全球化觀點。請以Sismondo的醫藥幽靈為經驗現象,理解他所謂的幽靈主導的醫療,指的是什麼,與產官學三螺旋的討論有何異同。如果你有你關切的科技研發,可嘗試以這兩週的文獻,來說明這些文獻提醒你關注這些研發活動,有哪些收穫,例如,對你關切的現象,有什麼新的理解,或是可以提出哪些新的研究問題。
3/15  W4 (3/15) 階層化的科技工作
Hecht, Gabrielle. 2014. “Invisible Production and the Production of Invisibility: Cleaning, Maintenance, and Mining in the Nuclear Sector.” Pp. 353-368 in Routledge Handbook of Science, Technology, and Society. edited by Daniel Lee Kleinman and Kelly Moore. New York: Routledge.

Mellstrom, Ulf. 2009. “The Intersection of Gender, Race and Cultural Boundaries, or Why is Computer Science in Malaysia Dominated by Women?” Social Studies of Science 39(6):885-907.

*Ureta, Sebastian. 2021. Ruination Science: Producing Knowledge from a Toxic World. Science, Technology and Human Values 46(1):29-52.

如果我們關注能見度比較低的科學與技術工作者,對於科技會有什麼樣的新理解。請先閱讀Gabrielle Hecht的作品,透過關注核能領域清掃、維護、開採鈾礦等活動,對於高科技系統的運作,能增加哪些新的理解?有關科技領域的性別與種族隔離,Ulf Mellstrom以馬來西亞資工女性比例較高的「異例」,提出哪一種科技工作階層化的分析策略?你有沒有關注哪些科技工作的現象,像是台灣護國神山晶片廠的過勞體制、ChatGPT的數據標註員,光華商場的電腦維修人員,或是協助科學家採集作物的原住民?請提出本單元對你關注現象產生哪些新的理解。如果行有餘力,也請閱讀以智利一間環境化學實驗室為田野地點的研究,探討南方困窘的科學工作如何進行。
3/22  W5(3/22)科學知識的社會建構
Kuhn, Thomas. 2021[1962]. 《科學革命的結構》(程樹德、傅大為、王道還、錢永祥譯)。台北:遠流。閱讀第六章「異常現象與科學發現之產生」(頁155-171)。

*Gieryn, Thomas F. 1983. Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from Non-Science: Strains and Interests in Professional Ideologies of Scientists. American Sociological Review 48: 781-794.

Rajagopalan, Ramya M. Alondra Nelson, and Joan H. Fujimura. 2016.“Race and Science in the Twenty-First Century.” Pp. 349-378 in The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition), edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouche, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Almeling, Rene. 2022[2020]. 《父產科》(Gunecology: The Missing Science of Men’s Reproductive Science)(鍾玉玨譯)。台北:時報。閱讀「緒論」(頁11-38)
3/29  W6 (3/29) 行動者網絡
Callon, Michel. 1987. “Society in the Making: The Study of Technology as a Tool for Sociological Analysis.” Pp. 83-103 in The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology of History of Technology, edited by Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes, and Trevor J. Pinch. Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press.

Molotch, Harvey. 2018[2005]. 《東西的誕生》(李屹譯)。新北市:群學。閱讀第一章「接合之物:好的與壞的」(頁5-29)。

Latour, Bruno. 2004. 「直線進步或交引纏繞」(雷祥麟譯,雷祥麟導讀)。頁79-105於《科技渴望社會》(吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟編)。台北:群學。

*Puig de la Bellacasa, Maria. 2015. “Making Time for Soil: Technoscientific Futurity and the Pace of Care.” Social Studies of Science 45(5): 691-761.

4/05  W7 (4/5) 清明節放假—4/8台大校園馬拉松 
4/12  W8(4/12)社會技術想像
Jasanoff, Sheila. 2015. “Future Imperfect: Science, Technology and Imagination of Modernity.” Pp. 1-33 in Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power, edited by Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Hsu, Jinn-Yuh. 2018. Hsinchu Technopolis: A Sociotechnical Imaginary of Modernity in Taiwan? Critical Sociology 44(3): 487-501.

*Adams, Vincanne, Michelle Murphy, and Adele E. Clarke. 2009. “Anticipation: Technoscience, Life, Affect, and Temporality.” Subjectivity 28: 246–65.
4/19  W9 提前至4/17(一)18:30—21:30 解析賽先生
本週與陽明交通大學雷祥麟老師「科技全球史與現代東亞導論」課程同學共同進行,作者之一Sigrid Schmalzer將線上參與。

Seow, Victor and Sean Hisang-lin Lei. 2022. “Who Is Mr. Science and Why Does He Matter?” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 269-278.

Schmalzer, Sigrid. 2022. “The Global Comrades of Mr. Democracy and Mr. Science: Placing May Fourth in a Transnational History of Science Activism.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 305-326.

Lei, Hsian-lin Sean. 2022. “The Dawn of Science as Cultural Authority in China: Tianyanlun (On Heavenly Evolution) in the Post 1895 Debate over the Engagement with Western Civilization. East Asian Science, Technology and Society 16(3): 408-432.
4/26  W10 (4/26) 技術物的政治性
Edge, David. 1995. “The Social Shaping of Technology.” Pp. 14-32 in Information Technology and Society: A Reader, edited by Nick Heap et al. London: Sage.

Winner, Langdon. 1986/2004. 「技術物有政治性嗎?」(方俊育、林崇熙譯,林崇熙校訂、導讀),頁123-150於《科技渴望社會》(吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟編)。台北:群學。

*Postigo, Hector and Casey O’Donnell. 2016. “The Sociotechnical Architecture of Information Networks.” Pp. 583-608 in The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (4th edition), edited by Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouche, Clark A. Miller and Laurel Smith-Doerr. Cambridge: MIT Press.
5/03  W11 (5/3) 基礎建設
Star, Susan Leigh. 1999. “The Ethnography of Infrastructure.” American Behavioral Scientist 43:377-391.

Carse, Ashley. 2012. “Nature as Infrastructure: Making and Managing the Panama Canal Watershed.” Social Studies of Science 42 (4): 539-63.

*Fuenfschilling, Lea and Bernhard Truffer. 2016. “The Interplay of Institutions, Actors and Technologies in Socio-Technical System – An Analysis of Transformations in the Australian Urban Water Section.” Technological Forecasting & Social Change 103: 298-312.

5/10  W12 (5/10) 科技爭議與災難
Martin, Brian and Evelleen Richards. 1995. Scientific Knowledge, Controversy, and Public Decision Making. Pp. 506-526 in Handbook of Science & Technology Studies, edited by Sheila Jasanoff, Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen and Trevor Pinch. London: Sage Publication.

*Lei, Ya-Wen. 2021. “Publics, Scientists, and the State: Mapping the Global Human Genome Editing Controversy.” The China Quarterly 246: 400-427.

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